Q : What is Car Loans?

A : Car Loans are designed for those who wish to finance a car for personal use. It is the way you can borrow money from future. A car loan can give you immediate use of the car of your choice in exchange for regular payments over an agreed period of time.

Q : How about Features of Car Loans?

A : Before you make a decision on car loan which you choose, make sure that your financier offers them. Generally the features of car loan are detailed as follow.

- Payments can be arranged to suit your requirements.

- Cost like Registration cost, Road cost, Loan insurance & Comprehensive vehicle insurance may be able to be financed on the loan contract.

- For repayment, you can choose monthly or fornightly to pay during normally terms range from 12 to 60 months.

- A deposit may not be required, moreover if you do, maybe you will receive some benefits like lower repayment or shorter term.

Q : What is benefit for you?

1.If you also use your car for business purposes you may be able to claim part of the interest and depreciation charges as expenses against your taxable income.
2.Payments may be able to be made by direct debit from your nominated bank account.
3.You may build up equity in the asset.
4.Fixed payments for the term of the agreement allow for more accurate budgeting and protect you against interest rate fluctuations.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

How to Understand the Basics of Car Maintenance

Sometimes you may have heard it said, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." That is the beginning of many problems. Phases one and two of maintenance require "fixing" what isn't broken.

1. The most obvious phase of maintenance is the repair function. Very simply stated, this means, "if it breaks, fix it." This is actually the third phase and means exactly what it says. It is a last resort and should arise only at infrequent intervals.

2. Phase one is systematic daily maintenance. The machine operator is usually responsible for this part. He/she simply cleans the equipment, observing anything out of the ordinary and reporting it to the maintenance department. This allows replacement of parts about to malfunction thus preventing chaining of problems.
3. Phase two is the regularly scheduled maintenance to include changing of fluids, thorough cleaning of parts not normally seen by the operator and a more detailed inspection for parts about to malfunction. This would include parts that are bent or broken, to include any possible cracks, obvious wear and signs of lack of lubrication.

4. It can readily be seen that proper performance of phases one and two will greatly reduce the occurrence of phase three, breakdown repair.

5. The greatest incentive for performing phases one and two regularly is that machine breakdown will invariably occur when the machine is used, and most often when it is being used most heavily. A machine that is idle simply doesn't break down.

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